Our Green Credentials

Our Green Credentials

Every day there are more examples in the news and scientific journals of the impact of rising global  temperatures on our planet.  With an NHS commitment to net zero carbon emissions by 2040, we felt it was important to ensure our new building was built to high sustainability standards.  All the bulding work has been BREEAM assessed meaning we are creating a more sustainable environment to enhance the wellbeing of the people who work and visit the Wilson Health Centre and helping protect natural resources.

The building is electric only meaning less reliance on fossil fuels and there is LED smart lighting throughout.  We plan to actively monitor our energy useage as well as put in place other sustainability measures.

We have also worked with Cheltenham Borough Council to develop a travel plan and, over time, we hope to make it easier for staff, patients and visitors to choose more sustainable modes of transport.  We have installed cycling racks for staff and patients, staff showers and there are also electric vehicle charging points.

Initiatives will also be in place to reduce our reliance on paper and encourage recycling.


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